Quote :

"Insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Einstein

Classroom Discipline Plan

Mrs. Flores’

Classroom Plan


Listen and carefully follow directions.

Everyone keeps hands, feet, and objects to him/herself.

Always respect others and all property.

Raise your hand for recognition to talk.

Need to be prepared at all times. (supplies, homework, dress code)



Individual Ticket added to jar. Student chooses reward.

Classwide Cotton ball added to jar. Class chooses reward.



1. Warning, Sign Log

2. Timeout or loss of privilege, Sign Log

3. Buddy Room, Sign Log

4. Parent Contact, Sign Log

5. Administrative Referral


Severe Clause

Fighting, Vandalism, Overt Defiance, Stopping Class From Functioning

Profanity Directed to a Teacher or Another Student

Immediate Referral to the Office for the Implementation of the Administrative Discipline System