August 22, 2011
Parents/Guardians,Welcome to 3rd grade! We are very excited to be working with you and your child this year. We are departmentalized in hopes of creating a more successful learning environment for our children. Your child will have two teachers this year. Mrs. Boehme will be teaching Reading, Spelling, Language, and Writing. Mrs. Flores will be teaching Math, Science, and Social Studies. We are working very closely together to make sure things run as effectively and efficiently as possible. Here are just a few key items that you will need to be aware of to help us ensure that each and every child has a successful year.
1. Our conference period is 9:05-9:55 daily. If you would like to visit with us regarding any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year, please call the office (368-3881 ext. 239) to schedule a conference. We are also available some days after school until 4:00.
2. Thursday Folders will be sent home weekly with graded papers and various notes. Please look over the work each week with your child and sign the signature page. Please return the empty folder to school on Friday.
3. Homework Folders will be coming home daily. Your child will be responsible for writing down the homework assignments and if needed, his/her behavior number on the assignment sheet. When you have checked over the completed homework and the behavior for the day, please sign or initial on that day on the assignment sheet. Attached you will find a discipline plan that explains what each behavior number means. Teacher comments will be added as needed. Your participation in homework activities is crucial. Please help your child as needed such as listening to him/her read, practicing math facts, calling out spelling words for a trial test, and checking and proofreading. Please do not give the answers to your child, but guide him/her in the right direction.
**We are implementing a new homework policy this year. Students who come to class with no homework 5 times will be assigned detention after school from 3:30-4:00. You will be notified by an office referral. Mrs. Kieschnick will write the assigned detention date on the referral. It is the responsibility of the student to have all homework assignments out on their desk to be checked first thing in the morning.
4. STAAR Testing for Reading and Math will both be in April.
Please feel free to contact us is you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. LeeAnn Boehme –
Mrs. Lisa Flores –
Please visit our class blogs:,