My name is Mrs. Flores and I teach 3rd grade math, science, and social studies. I absolutely love teaching! I am looking forward to a great school year. We are going to have lots of fun.
Here’s a little personal info…I am happily married to a wonderful man who also happens to be a math teacher/coach. His name is Joe. So if I ever need help….I sometimes turn to him!
We also have 3 dogs. Mickey is a Chihuahua-mix and just so happens to have the Mickey ears mark on his back. Pretty cool! Zena is a Rat Terrier and Pudge is a Jack Russel Terrier. Yes, we have a busy home!
I enjoy art, camping, and early morning jogs. I don’t get to draw much on my own time but that’s okay because I am able to draw in the classroom along with my students. We go camping every summer and camp in our tents along the Frio River. I start most mornings with a jog. Gives me a chance to think alone!
I graduated from Texas A&M-CC with a Bachelor’s degree and I hold a Master’s degree in Admin. This will be my 7th year teaching of which 5 are in 3rd grade. I’ve taught kinder and 1st as well. Now you know a little bit about me. I am looking forward to knowing more about you.
Parents, please see the other pages concerning rules, grades, and homework. Don’t forget to visit the CScope link! It will tell you what your child is learning and give you some great internet resources. I will also send home all necessary info on how to reach me.