Quote :

"Insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Einstein

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two-dimensional Figures-Attributes

1.What is a quadrilateral?
2.Which of the above figures are quadrilaterals?
3.How many vertices and sides does a quadrilateral have?
4.What is a polygon?
5.Which of the above is not a polygon?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Symmetry&Geometric Patterns

Students had a great time practicing symmetry with geoboards online. They also practiced repeating and additive patterns. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives is an awesome website. It's exactly as the title says: Manipulatives online! Ask your child to show you symmetry, additive, and repeating patterns. Click on Math Manipulatives! located on the left under the math link list.

It is free!

Lady Bug Note Generators

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't forget your box/bag for Monday!

Cute Myspace Generators

Dylan Andrade and Daisy Ramirez

Keep practicing those facts!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Area Problem #1

One square equals 1 square unit.

What is the area of the rectangle? Please write all the steps to finding area. Don't forget your labels.

Perimeter Problem #1

Units are in cm.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle? **Remember that perimeter is all the way around a figure. Please give me your answer in steps.

Saying goodbye to a wonderful lady...

Many of you all have already heard of the passing of Ms. Cordo. I will greatly miss her sense of humor. I will miss our morning chats as I would cut through the 5th grade rooms. She has taught me to enjoy life. One day at a time...

Math Strategies

Here are some math strategies that we follow in the classroom.

1. Read the problem.
2. Circle important numbers.
3. Underline keywords. Every word is not a keyword!
4. Reread your question.
5. Take out any trash.
6. Check for reasonableness. Does my answer make sense?